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The Vatican Removed 14 Books From the Bible In 1684 With No Real Explanation

The Vatican Removed 14 Books From the Bible In 1684 With No Real Explanation

- July 20, 2019 Typically when the Bible is brought up in conversation, what comes to mind is a source of truth that has not been tampered with. However, when this book was originally published it contained 80 books and current editions only have 66, and we have to wonder what exact purpose the removal of 14 books would serve?The Vatican Church or Roman catholic church has been associated with deception for ages. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years.The Bible was originally translated from Latin into English in 1611. This “original” Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden.These Apocrypha booksmade up the end of the Old Testament, and included the following books:• 1 Esdras• 2 Esdras• Tobit• Judith• The rest of Esther• The Wisdom of Solomon• Ecclesiasticus• Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah• The Songs of the 3 Holy children•…

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