customization and affordability

My goal is allowing my clients to feel empowered with the web development solutions I offer.

For over a decade I have managed private and non-profit projects related to database systems, web development, marketing and social media. This gives me a very wide range of expertise in handling clients and vendors, dealing with different technology platforms, overseeing projects, creating and managing content, creating long-term strategies, SEO, creating code for back-end web development, and having a very universal communication approach.

The amount of clients and projects during my years have are a testament of the longevity of my skills and my adaptability to new environments and new emerging technologies.



Creative solutions to my clients. My area of expertise in web design and development covers but not limited to

Web Hosting


Providing your online space for your web site to host its content


Registering your domain names

WordPress Logo


WordPress Content Management Systems development and blogs setup.

covering all your needs

Responsive design, HTML & CSS

With over 50% of Internet access via mobile devices it is primordial that your website displays properly across Smartphones, Tablets & Desktop Screens.


You will always over-pay web development and Marketing agencies hundreds of dollars & more yearly for Search Engine Optimization. I make it more efficient, simpler and much cheaper than what you are told. Paired with an Online Marketing Strategy to improve your ranking on Google. In addition to a web site that is SECTION 508 compliant.


This is where the empowering takes place. My solutions are so simple that you can take ownership of the end product and its maintenance. There is no need to pay a web developer after the website is built. With a little training, you should no longer require my services; unless you choose to.



Just fill-out the form bellow and provide a brief description of your project

    HostingDomain RegistrationWordPressSEOOther (Specify in comment box)