How To Cultivate Your Inner Everyday Hero

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  By RYOT Studio Leonardo De La Cuesta via Getty Images 440 When we hear stories of people paying it forward, or unexpected acts of kindness between strangers, we tend to spread the word, as with a fairy tale shared across generations. When we witness a friend, coworker or neighbor stand up for justice, it can be tempting to put that person on a pedestal. But in a world that needs dignity and integrity more urgently than ever, there’s no time for idealized values. It’s time to cultivate them now, in reality. In partnership with Dignity Health, we spoke with experts on kindness and mindfulness about how to do this in ways small and large. If you ever wonder about the most effective ways to show compassion, or how to incorporate courage and advocacy into your routine, you’re in good company. By applying these insights for cultivating your inner everyday…

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